Getting started with Go

Installing Go on your system, setting up environment variables, understanding root / workspace directories.

Uday Hiwarale
Published in
7 min readJul 4, 2018


(source: pexels.com)


As we know, a programming language is nothing but a high-level view of the instructions that a CPU can understand and follow (do computation / IO operations demanded in the program).

A language typically consists of the language specifications (syntax), standard library, a runtime environment, and a compiler. When you install Go, these are all the things you will get.

As Go is an open-source and free programming language, you can install it from the source. It also provides compiled binaries to install Go on your system with ease.

It comes with Windows and macOS installer packages which I would recommend if you are using Windows or macOS. All other download and installation related information are available at golang.org.

Go Installation Directory

When you install Go on your system, it creates a directory /usr/local/go in UNIX or c:/go in Windows. Then it copies all necessary code and binaries needed for Go to function in this directory.

