How to Run for the HOA Board: A Member’s Guide

Ken D’Souza
Published in
1 min readJan 23, 2024

Joining your Homeowners Association (HOA) board can be a rewarding way to contribute to your community. If you’re considering a run for the board, here’s a guide to help you get started.

Understand the Role and Responsibilities

Before running, understand what’s involved. Board members typically handle budgeting, rule enforcement, dispute resolution, and overall community well-being.

Check Eligibility Requirements

Review your HOA’s bylaws for any specific eligibility requirements for board members, such as being a homeowner in good standing.

Declare Your Candidacy

Notify your HOA of your intent to run. This might involve completing a form or submitting a statement of interest.

Connect with Residents

Campaigning is often informal but important. Talk to your neighbors, understand their concerns, and share your vision.

Prepare for the Election

Elections usually occur at the HOA’s annual meeting. Be prepared to speak about your goals and qualifications.

Be Informed and Engaged

Attend HOA meetings, stay informed about community issues, and be engaged with current events in your community.

Running for the HOA board is about commitment, community service, and making a positive impact. With the right approach, you can be a valuable asset to your HOA.

