Understanding the Architectural Review Process in HOAs

Ken D’Souza
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2024

Homeowners Associations (HOAs) often have an architectural review process to maintain a certain aesthetic in the community and protect property values. This process can seem daunting, but understanding it can make home improvements smoother. Here’s what you need to know:

What is the Architectural Review Process?

The architectural review process is a system where homeowners submit plans for external home modifications to the HOA board or an architectural committee for approval. This process ensures that changes comply with the community’s architectural standards.

Key Steps in the Process

  1. Review HOA Guidelines: Before planning any modifications, review your HOA’s architectural guidelines. These guidelines outline what is and isn’t allowed.
  2. Submit Your Proposal: Once you understand the guidelines, submit your proposal to the HOA. This typically includes detailed plans, materials to be used, and colors.
  3. HOA Review: The HOA board or committee will review your proposal. They may approve it, deny it, or request modifications.
  4. Approval and Implementation: If approved, you can proceed with your project. However, ensure you follow the approved plans precisely.
  5. Inspection: Some HOAs require a final inspection to ensure the project meets the approved plans.

Tips for a Smooth Process

  • Communicate: Keep open lines of communication with your HOA board or committee.
  • Be Detailed: Provide detailed and clear plans to avoid back-and-forth.
  • Understand Timelines: Know how long the review process takes and plan accordingly.


Navigating the architectural review process in an HOA can be straightforward with the right preparation and understanding. Always start by familiarizing yourself with your HOA’s specific rules and procedures. This proactive approach will help in executing your home improvement projects without any hitches, maintaining the harmony and aesthetic value of your community.

