Using Conda as a Unity Package — Version 2

Update to Integrate the Package Managers

Paul Harwood
Runic Software


A few months ago, I wrote this article about Using Conda packages in Unity

At the time I said that the integration was “hacky” at best.

Since then we have managed to improve the integration and this article describes the improvements.

This article will assume that you have read the first article and will not describe the concept explained in that article. Pause the article at this point (😀) and read the first article!

What were the problems?

The first version of the integration basically copied the libraries from the Conda environment into the Unity environment. This works and is very economical on size but removes any benefit from Conda’s powerful core competence, i.e. the ability to resolve the dependencies across packages and create the best possible compromise!

This, in turn, meant that the first version of the integration involved a lot of manual dependencies between packages at the UPM level. That creates many more points of failure.

How does the new Version Work?



Paul Harwood
Runic Software

Paul is a long time veteran of the tech industries — with 30 years in the trenches including stints with Nokia and Google as well as startups QR8 and trackbash.