Android runners are male, Russian, goal-setting night owls

Erin Glabets
ASICS Digital
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2016

Ok, well they’re not only that, but those were some of the qualities that stood out most to us when we took a closer look at the Runkeeper community on Android.

We recently launched a redesigned Android app that incorporates the best of material design principles while also bringing to life the new Runkeeper brand. As we take this big step forward with our Android app, we couldn’t help but look back on the community in 2015 and how they evolved.

And let’s be honest: it’s fun to play up the iOS vs Android rivalry, as we’ve done before. So Android runners, take a look at the things that make you tick.

They’re night owls

Common wisdom suggests getting your workout done early morning before the day gets the best of you, but Android runners are all about those evening runs. They’re most often found on the road between 5pm and 6pm and are 16% more likely to be working out between 5pm and midnight than Runkeeper iOS users are. That’s something even this iOS-toting night owl can get on board with.

Walkers are welcome

Yes, our name is Runkeeper but more than 30% of activities tracked in our app are walks. Though runs are still the most popular activity type across both mobile platforms, Android users are 66% more likely than iOS users to make walks their primary workout mode.

They’re trying to lose weight (just like the rest of us)

Android users are 4% more likely to set Runkeeper goals than iOS users. The most popular goal? Losing weight (the top Runkeeper goal across the board), followed by logging longer distance runs. So yes, Android-ers, you tell your iOS buddies that you’re way more goal oriented.

They’re taking over those emerging markets

Android accounted for more than half of the new users that joined Runkeeper in Brazil, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, and Spain in 2015. All told, our Android users logged more than 374 million kilometers last year.

Women are on the rise

Historically more men have flocked to Android than women, but that may be shifting. Last year Android women increased their share of new Runkeeper signups by 9% compared to 2014.

And while we’d love to raise the stakes in the Android vs. iOS competition, neither one can really boast of having the faster runners in Runkeeper. When you control for gender, there’s less than a 1% difference in average running pace between the two communities. (More on that here.) Which is fine in the end, because we’re really not obsessed with competing over speed at Runkeeper anyways.

If you’d like to see learn more about our last Android updates, more screenshots of the newly redesigned app are here.

Interested in hearing more of our insights on runner behavior? Email us at



Erin Glabets
ASICS Digital

Community & content director for healthcare team at @polarisvc. Previously grew marketing & brand at @runkeeper