Week 14/15/16 Review

Ready Not Ready

Charles Reynolds-Talbot
Runner Unfiltered
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2019


To get ready for the London Marathon 2019 I have ran 646 miles in 89 hours 50 mins climbing 39,249 feet. You could say, I’m ready: I’m not.

I write this update from an uncomfortable camp bed lying along side my son in hospital. We’ve been here for two weeks. We were meant to be down in London already today; enjoying the build up with our friends and their children. Instead, we’re anxiously crossing our fingers that Hamish gets discharged tomorrow and we can set off last minute as a family. The alternative: I travel down alone.

So yes, I’ve put the miles in, but that might not be enough. I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted. Even if I can’t consciously feel it, it must be having a physiological affect on me. I will, of course, do my best but I feel a long way away from the “ready” I should feel.

Add to this the niggles I’ve been nursing in my left leg – well, I used to have a right and left leg but now I just have a good and bad leg – it’s going to be a bigger challenge than the mighty one I set myself at the beginning: finishing in under three hours (shaving 32 minutes off my best).

One thing I can prematurely celebrate is the amazing support I’ve received from family, friends and friends of friends in helping to raise over £4,400 in donations to Kidney Care UK. This is more than double the original target and a huge win!

I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who donated or has shown support in any other way. I appreciate you and regardless of how well I do on Sunday, this race is for every one of you.

Most of all, this race is for my son. He is the bravest human I have had the privilege to meet and his journey of bravery will last a life time. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this boy. Whether we get good news tomorrow and he is discharged to come to London or he has to stay and watch it on the TV in his hospital room – on Sunday, I run for Hamish.

I’m running the London Marathon 2019 with Kidney Care UK and have already raised more than £4,000. This is a cause that’s very close to my heart as my four-year-old son has chronic kidney disease.

I’m worked-up to donate my kidney to my son later this year.

If you want to make a donation, thank you 🙏

