Breaking 3

James Cooper
Runners & Dreamers
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2020

The Runners and Dreamers Sub 3 Series — coming this Autumn.


When I was prepping for one of the New York Marathons my friend said to me, ‘James, neither of us is going to win this race, so we may as well enjoy it.’ There is a lot of wisdom in that. Gone are the days of ever actually ‘winning’ anything. (Although I did come 2nd in a Cancer Research 10k on Clapham Common last year. Just what the dude in brand new Vaporfly’s was doing sprinting ahead of me in the mud after just 500 yards remains a mystery).

But the point is this: we have to set up our own wins.

For many serious amateurs, breaking a 3-hour marathon is one of those wins. It was my 2020 new year’s resolution — along with doing something interesting work wise. Covid pretty much put anything interesting with work on hold but it doesn’t have to put a sub 3 attempt on hold.

Like many other runners I was targeting a spring marathon. I was signed up for Brighton as I didn’t get my shit together for London. I think I’m old enough to get a guaranteed place with a half of 1:23 but having not lived in London for 12 years I’m not sure. But Brighton, along with London and Milton Keynes was cancelled. And even though I get quite chirpy emails from Brighton about September the reality is……..there are not going to be any mass marathons this year.

So here at Runners & Dreamers we have a plan. A dream, if you will. A series of Sub3 attempts throughout Autumn for all those people who were training for fast Spring and Autumn marathons.

This is the idea: 15laps of Battersea Park.

OK. That’s it. Bye. 😆

Maybe a little more info. But the best ideas are the simplest. We have decided on Sunday October 25th — first thing in the morning to avoid the crowds. We’ll stick to that unless there is a strong wind or heavy rain.

We’ll do it in groups of 6. Even if social distancing is relaxed by then, which I very much doubt, Battersea Park is a public place and no one wants to see hoards of Vaporflied runners hogging the loop. So, groups of six, with a 60 second staggered start. This should give you enough time to spread out but still see a pack ahead of you. A pack of 6 will help with morale and drafting.

We’ll have an aid station. One table, that you’ll pass 15 times. So no need to carry too much junk with you.

We’ll measure out the course and have an official finish line. Of course this won’t be an official time but in your heart you know that you did it. You’ll have the Strava badge. Along with nine other people in your pack. This will feel good. Maybe you might even be able to high five your fellow pack mates. 🤞

Just like Breaking 2 we can look at the weather and asses the optimal start time, but to avoid crowds probably something like 7am. Just like Breaking 2 we’ll have a pacer. A runner and a cyclist. Just like Breaking 2 the ‘will she, won’t he’ will be intense. Just like Breaking 2 the sense of achievement will be euphoric.

In fact it’s just like Breaking 2, but an hour slower 😜

Stay in touch for more details.


