Run For A Bus — fundraiser 26/27/28 June

James Cooper
Runners & Dreamers
4 min readMay 13, 2020


What — a charity running event along London’s bus routes organised by Runners & Dreamers, a new running group for the creative community in London and beyond.

Why — to raise funds for those London bus workers affected by Covid-19 and for the bereaved families of London bus drivers who have died of Covid-19. Nothing evokes London more than its red buses, which have been transporting creatives — and everyone else — round the capital for over a century. Please sponsor us here.

How — join us (at a safe social distance) in South London on the morning of Friday 26 June as we run a marathon along the 249, 3 and 363 bus routes. Alternatively put together a few routes near you to run the whole 26.2 miles by yourself or as part of a relay with friends. Or just run as far as you can — everything helps.

When — any time you fancy over the weekend of Friday 26 to Sunday 28 June. We’ll start the ball rolling Friday morning and collate all other efforts.

*** Follow us on Instagram for regular updates and to get in touch. 🏃‍♂️🏃🏽‍♀️🚌

Kim starting his shift in Clapham.

A bit more about why we want to Run For A Bus: James Cooper and Mike Higgins are founders of a small group called Runners & Dreamers, based in London. Like everyone, we’ve become all too aware that many essential workers have been putting themselves on the line to keep the capital going. We wanted to show our appreciation and help our fellow Londoners in some way.

As the pandemic developed, we were struck by the number of London bus drivers succumbing to coronavirus: as we write, 33 bus workers have died of Covid-19. What says ‘London’ more than a red double-decker bus? We decided to try to help the families of those London bus workers affected by the coronavirus pandemic by raising funds for the Transport Benevolent Fund (who have kindly said they will ring-fence any funds we raise for TFL bus workers or bereaved families; relevant applicants need not be members of the TBF).

What are we doing to raise funds? We’ll run a (socially distanced) marathon along London bus routes. So that’s what Runners & Dreamers are going to do over the weekend of 26–28 June: we’ll Run For A Bus. James and I are going to run the 249, 3 and 363 routes — that’s south-east from Clapham to Crystal Palace, north to Whitehall (with a bit of a loop up west) then back south to Crystal Palace. About 26 miles, ending on a crazy hill.

So why not sponsor us? Every penny will help a bus worker or a bereaved family.

Alternatively, pull on your trainers and Run For A Bus yourself on a route near you. You can join us in South London (at a safe social distance), make your own marathon route based on your favourite bus lines or simply run a route for a few miles (or bus stops) and we’ll gather everything.

Please consider sponsoring us or passing this on to anyone you know who might be interested in running to raise money. (If you want to get involved, follow us on Instagram and we’ll add you to the fundraising team.) Thank you 🙏

James and Mike

Our Run For A Bus marathon route — join us (at a safe social distance), or run your own nearby bus route

