3 Principles Learned From Coaching Runners

Nutrition and mindset matter

Rudy LB
Runner's Life


Photo by Huckster on Unsplash

“To do it to teach?” Or something like that?

Maybe it is, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I will learn.” Yeah, that’s it. I am pretty sure Ben Franklin said that.

Coaching high school cross-country and high school distance runners in track is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Teaching can sometimes be magical, clueing you into tips and tricks you never knew before. It does, “keep you young.”

I have also been very blessed to have been coached by some amazing, knowledgeable coaches. As a coach, I’ve tried my best to distill that advice back to the runners I’ve worked with to help them get better.

It is an amazing, cyclical thing.

The lessons they taught me could fill a whole book. But for here, let’s just look at three important principles to adhere to when it comes to coaching runners, and probably to your running as well.

Great advice can really help with your own fitness and training; it can also just be good for life.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Nutrition matters but…



Rudy LB
Runner's Life

Follow me on Twitter at @authorrudylb and check out my other writings at www.rudylb.com. I also write for BehindtheBuckPass.com and WiSportsHeroics.com