3 Squat Variations That Will Keep Running Injuries at Bay For Good

Follow along with this fun routine and get great results in no time!

David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life


Image from Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

It’s no secret that the squat is a great exercise for virtually anything. This movement is one of the most foundational patterns that everyone should master for both everyday life and sports performance. In the context of running, however, never branching beyond the standard back squat is an automatic way to limit your strength gains and overall running potential.

To help you avoid this and maximize your enjoyment and performance as a runner, I want to introduce three squat variations that will instantly boost key areas like balance, stability, and injury prevention. Not only are these movements fun and engaging, but they address joints and tissues that many of us neglect when we only do unilateral compound movements. If you want to ensure all of your boxes are ticked off while implementing some much-needed variety into your routine, keep reading!

Stay Injury-Free With These Legendary Squats

If you’re a novice to resistance exercise, please be aware that these movements are slightly more advanced. I encourage you to check out my guide for improving your squat for beginners before diving into these progressions…



David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back. https://www.davidliirakin.com