3 Unique Exercises To Strengthen Your Muscles & Joints as a Runner

Have you discovered the hidden benefits of plyometrics?

David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life


Image from Dejan Krstevski on Pexels

Plyometric training is key to maximizing your strength and performance as a runner. The simple act of jumping and doing it often can improve tendon stiffness and elasticity, increase power, enhance neuromuscular coordination, and more. This will contribute to a healthier stride and more efficient running economy, leaving you with far fewer injury risks and setbacks as you push your fitness forward.

The beauty of plyometrics is although the physiological principles are slightly complex, applying this training to your routine couldn’t be simpler. In just five minutes, you can completely transform the makeup of your musculoskeletal system for better performance. Are you ready to take your running to the next level and unleash the power of this neglected training strategy?

Discovering the Power of Plyometric Training

The principle of plyometric exercises is that the maximal muscular contraction is stronger when preceded by an eccentric contraction of the same muscle, thus utilizing elastic energy stored from the eccentric contraction. In layman’s terms, the dynamic nature of plyo exercises allows you to increase muscular power (great force…



David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back. https://www.davidliirakin.com