5 Running Quotes That Get Me Out The Door

Motivation when you need it most.

Lena Ovechkin
Runner's Life
4 min readJul 3, 2020


Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash

Everyone who runs knows the struggles of finding the motivation to run. You have a goal set far in the future — a race. But it seems so far away that the things you do today won’t be helpful to your performance down the road. I’ve experienced this all the time. Like every single time I run. Getting out the door is the toughest part of my workout.

The reasons I usually list for not wanting to run all seem silly after I’ve finished running. I always catch myself thinking, “I should have just gone, without all this deliberation.”

What I’ve decided to do, is to scour the internet and find the best quotes to repeat under your breath or chant in your head when the running gets tough or you just want to sit on the couch that day.

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“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” — John Bingham found here

This is a quote that I first read when I was thinking of signing up for a half marathon. Running such a far distance has always been something that I’ve wanted to do, but not something that I’ve often dared to do. This quote is one that served as a solid foundation for me. It was this quote that gave me the courage to sign up for my first half-marathon.

“Nothing, not even pain, lasts forever. If I can just keep putting one foot in front of the other, I will eventually get to the end.” — Kim Cowart found here

Photo by Cupcake Media on Unsplash

What I take away from this quote is that to run further, you’ve just got to push through the pain. Your legs are going to feel exhausted at some point and you’re just going to want to stop. But instead, push through that pain. Remember, it doesn’t last forever. If you stop when your legs start to hurt, you will never be able to push yourself to run longer distances.

“What seems hard now will one day be your warm-up.” — Unknown found here

I can confirm that this quote is true. I used to only be able to run about a kilometer or two maximum. Now, I am running upwards of 5k regularly. You can read more about that story below. One kilometer used to be about half of my run. Now, when I run, the first kilometer is typically just a warm-up. I try to go slow and pace myself. The goal on that first kilometer is to just get my legs shaking.

“I run because if I didn’t, I’d be sluggish and glum and spend too much time on the couch. I run to breathe the fresh air. I run to explore. I run to escape the ordinary. I run…to savor the trip along the way. Life becomes a little more vibrant, a little more intense. I like that.” — Dean Karnazes found here

What this quote does, is it reminds you of the thrill of running. It’s so difficult to remember that feeling of happiness that envelops you after a run. This quote makes it a bit easier to remember. When I first read it, I suddenly felt the urge to go on a run. This quote is one that I have just recently found but I will read it again when I need a reason to go running.

“Clear your mind of can’t.” — Samuel Johnson found here

Photo by Pietro Rampazzo on Unsplash

When you run, don’t say that you can’t run that distance or make it up that hill. You may not think you can do it, but if you just stop thinking and run, it will be much easier to achieve. Instead of focusing on your mental blocks, focus on the path ahead. As the second quote says, just put one foot in front of the other instead of saying “I can’t.”

Sometimes the hardest part of running is finding the motivation to run. It can be difficult to find a reason to get out the door and to keep going. Even when you want to turn around, don’t. Because you can do this. You are strong. You are tough. You are a runner.

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