Better Running With Less Running

Learning to train smarter, not harder

Andy B. Hahn
Runner's Life


Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash

Running is a deeply personal and individual activity, not a one-size-fits-all pursuit. This unique aspect makes it a fantastic sport that can be a lifelong pursuit. Whether you run for health, as a hobby, for the sense of community, or any other personal reason, the benefits are immense and tailored to your specific needs. Your journey is unique, just like you.

There are many ways to accomplish a goal with running and exercise. Certainly, there are plenty of wrong ways, and much evidence can be provided for things to avoid regarding training.

A common misconception I had, as many runners do, is that the best way to get better at running is simply more running. The opposite may be true: running less may make you a better runner.

How does one become a better runner without running more? Consistency is the first step to becoming a better runner. It does not mean you have to run more, but you need to run consistently. After running consistently, I have found a few strategies that have made me a better runner and can also work for you.

Find Your Why

One of the most critical steps in your running journey is to define your goal or purpose. Clear and attainable goals not only help you set your…



Andy B. Hahn
Runner's Life

Naturally curious, passionate storyteller with wide range of interests. All about the journey never stop searching. He/Him