Couch to 5K Didn’t Work For Me

So I found my own path to becoming a runner

Kate Salina
Runner's Life


Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

When I began running, I was a 46-year-old woman who weighed 240 pounds and couldn’t run more than a minute without getting out of breath. After 14 months of running, I had lost 65 pounds and was running 30–35 miles/week. I had completed 9 races, including a half marathon, and my “regular run” was a 5–6-mile loop.

After two failed starts using the Couch to 5K program, I had finally found the path to becoming a runner. Running is now part of my identity and I can’t imagine giving it up. But it took finding my own way. In this article, I want to share the specific steps I took to make this possible.

If you found this article because you tried Couch to 5K and failed, I want you to know that you are not a failure. It’s just that the plan didn’t work for you. There is more than one way to become a runner and I want you to find yours.

Running changed my life at a time when I needed it most. I want you to be able to experience that change.

The Couch to 5K program has launched millions of running journeys. It’s a 9-week program based on the principles of interval training and allows you to progress from huffing and puffing through a painful 30 seconds to a 30 minute non-stop run.



Kate Salina
Runner's Life

I write about writing, creativity, parenting, relationships, productivity, and all things human. On FB at