Don’t Forget About Your Poor Ankles!

The 5 most effective ankle exercises for runners (no equipment required)

David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life


Image from Pixabay on Pexels

The ankle often gets neglected when it comes to strength and mobility training. This is ironic, as it has a key role in the gait cycle for all humans and especially runners. Due to the way we distribute weight and absorb force, forgoing proper ankle training will quickly catch up to the knee, hip, and spine. Even if you’re not experiencing any lower-body complications right now, I’d highly recommend taking 5–10 minutes a week to tend to the ankles. Not only will this improve your running health, but it will take your ‘leg day’ strength sessions to the next level as well.

Here are 5 simple exercises you can begin implementing today!

A Runner’s Guide to Improving Ankle Health

Please note, this is a mix of strength and stability work. Many of our lower body complications are rooted in a lack of mobility, so it’s critical to emphasize improving range of motion as much as strengthening the tissues. If you’re currently recovering from an ankle injury, proceed with caution. If you have any doubts, check in with your health provider. More often than not, challenging this region with exercises will only help to propagate recovery.



David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back.