Getting Creative with a Treadmill Workout

When mothering challenges you to be adaptable with workouts and runs

Runner's Life


Photo by Intenza Fitness on Unsplash

I desperately wanted to run—just a quick run, four miles or so outdoors. However, the heat index for the past two months has been around 110 degrees in the deep south.

I am currently home with my infant daughter all day and 110 degrees is too hot for a baby. I imagine her bumping along in the stroller wondering what mommy is up to now, sun-baked and unhappy.

So, I decided to head to the gym for a treadmill workout. I have nothing against treadmills and gyms, they are wonderful inventions, yet something in me yearns for the outdoors. I feel incomplete during gym workouts, as if I need a little sunburn to complement my runs, or some dirt kicked up onto my legs.

Lately, I have had to get creative with my workouts and runs to ensure they happen, yet still prioritize my daughter’s needs and other commitments. Additionally, breastfeeding has been fighting for all my calories these days with running and exercise acting as contenders for my caloric reserves. I feel ravenous and find my energy levels dipping far lower than I’ve experienced. In short, I have had to adjust workouts to deflect injury and accommodate life circumstances.



Runner's Life

Following mountain trails, looking for beauty everywhere. Lover of words and of life. Sharing tidbits that spark my imagination along life's trails.