Getting Heckled While Running

Unfortunately, the burden is on us as runners to look out for our own safety

Ryan Fan
Runner's Life


Photo by Capstone Events on Unsplash

“Run, Forrest, run!” is a refrain I’ve heard more times than I can count. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard it while running through Baltimore or anywhere, I would have hundreds of dollars. I have been heckled quite a lot while running, particularly where I live, and a common refrain is someone telling me, “Oh man! I need to be doing what you’re doing!” or “I need to be running with you!” Sometimes it’s accompanied by the person running with me or my group for a block before wishing us well. This is a more positive heckling that is motivating and inspirational.

Most people leave me alone and go about their own business, but I occasionally get heckled. The other day, I ran 10 miles around mile-long loops filled with stores and restaurants. Due to my schedule, I have to do some runs at night, so this particular loop is a favorite of mine since the stores are closed, and there are other people often walking and exercising with the same idea, or young adults and teenagers hanging out with their friends. It is well-lit, safe, and generally peaceful at night.

That day, every time I ran past a car of teenagers, they yelled at me. I had my AirPods in, so I couldn’t always hear what was said, and usually gave a…

