How My Lifestyle Has Changed Since I Started Running

I’ve become a better version of myself.

Lena Ovechkin
Runner's Life
3 min readJun 25, 2020


Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

My running journey started about three months ago. At the time, I was not that great of a runner. I couldn’t run far without feeling exhausted and my diet certainly was not the best. Now that I look back though, running has improved not only my fitness but other aspects of my life as well.


I’ve done some research since I started running and now I know what my body needs before and after a run. I try to have some protein and some fibre before I run, as that is going to give me energy. One thing I’ve also learned is the importance of healthy carbs like buckwheat, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread.

Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash

In addition, I have also found that I’ve cut down my consumption of added sugars. I don’t feel the need to eat sugary treats as much as I did before and while I don’t enforce limits on myself, I’ve found that I’ve naturally stopped eating as much junk food because I know that sugar is not going to help me run better. When I start training for my first half-marathon in July, my goal is to completely cut out excess sugar from my diet.

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash

Finally, I’ve also found myself eating more fruits and vegetables. I try to have a portion of fruits or vegetables with every meal.


Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

I’ve found that it hasn’t gotten any easier to find the motivation to run. I typically still procrastinate until the evening for my runs but I have gotten better at finding motivation while running. I no longer have the urge to cut my runs short and I even have started to enjoy the challenge of a longer distance.


Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash

This seems like a no-brainer but I’m going to mention it anyway. I’ve found that on the days when I run I tend to sleep better. I burn more energy on those days, meaning that I need my beauty sleep more than usual.

Overall, I feel my lifestyle has improved from running. It’s given me a goal to work towards outside of school and significantly improved my fitness. I enjoy being in shape because it means I can feel confident in myself and in my abilities.

