How My Running Route Unexpectedly Changed My Life

I discovered my route held lessons when I started to pay attention

Madalyn Rose
Runner's Life


Photo by jack atkinson on Unsplash

I don’t care if there is two feet of snow on the ground with freezing temperatures or if the heat index is well into the 90s, running on the treadmill still sounds worse.

It doesn’t help that my gym’s treadmills are facing a blank wall with the televisions too far above my head to watch anything without craning my neck. And forget watching something on my phone since the phone holder on the treadmill dash is too far down from my eye level that I would be stuck running with my chin glued to my chest.

This lose-lose situation has pushed me to favor outdoor running undoubtedly, but I didn’t expect a specific running route to help me see how much running bled into my life away from the sport.

My route taught me about myself

I figured out my perfect route in college when I started taking running more seriously. I wasn’t part of the track team or a run club. I would hit the pavement by myself 95% of the time.

No matter the mileage I ran, I would always have the same two miles at the very beginning of the run. I always started at my apartment’s front door and ran towards downtown and through the park along the…



Madalyn Rose
Runner's Life

I am a heartfelt storyteller passionate about health and wellness and living a more intentional life.