How Running Changed My Life

D. C. Thomson
Runner's Life
Published in
10 min readNov 2, 2020


Even though I didn’t lose weight at first

photo owned by Author

Once upon a time, I woke up forty years old and saw a stranger in the mirror.

Like so many people this age, middle age seemed to creep up out of nowhere and slap me in the face.

A full-time job, marriage, and six children consumed my day to day life. Somewhere along the way, the person who now stood in front of the mirror came to reside. And I didn’t much like her.

She wasn’t me.

Shocked, I realized something scary. I was most likely on the top of the mountain that was my life. What came next was going down the other side.

That terrified me.

I was very overweight, overworked, and unhappy in my marriage. I had massive responsibilities and several children who were dependent on me. I juggled more of other people’s stuff in the air than I could handle. This left me with no hands to juggle myself. I had, in fact, lost myself completely. Worse, I didn’t know how to change it.

I have always been a person who believed in signs. The Universe’s way of giving clues to how to change the tide in our favor. The thing is, sometimes those signs are hard to read. Sometimes those signs make no sense and we ignore them or worse think it is too difficult to follow.



D. C. Thomson
Runner's Life

Writer, runner, lover of nature, audiobook addict. Poems, short stories, novels, daily thoughts, and fiction. Run be free.