How to Be a Happier Runner

Eight happiness driving behaviors applied to running

Smillew Rahcuef
Runner's Life


Maybe the best way is to run with a dog? by Sherise VD on Unsplash

One of my happiest runs was with my best friend Julian; we’ve known each other since college when running was our go-to for stress relief before finals.

It was a slow (and long) run, more about catching up than performance. With time on our hands, we started playing a silly game with simple rules:

  • To score one point, runners had to respond to you “hey” or “hello.”
  • To score two points, walkers had to answer.

While runners are relatively easy to engage with, walkers are harder targets. First, there’s little time given the speed difference. Second, they aren’t part of the running community. They can even be slightly afraid of other people arriving so fast, a sort of atavistic reflex, maybe.

The trick is to make eye contact and smile before saying hello. Most people won’t dare leave your salutation unanswered, and most of them will smile in return. Most of them will even look genuinely happy about it.

Why was this a happy run? It’s not only because I was smiling all the time, but it’s also because it ticked several of the ‘happiness’ boxes. At least the ones according to this article from the Harvard Business Review.

Disclaimer: all…

