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How To Beat Those Running Inner Demons and Make It to the Finish Line

Stephen Hands
Runner's Life


I ran at my quickest pace for some time the other day. It felt great and rewarding, and that progress was being made. Afterwards, that is! At the time, as the run neared its conclusion, it was damn hard. Crikey, I thought, my breathing was heavy, my throat was beginning to burn and my mind was chipping in with negative thoughts.

In other words, it was like racing again! And as racing is where I want to be once more, this had me thinking of how I used to deal with those inner demons that never seem to praise you enough when things are going well, but are soon there in gleeful abundance when the going gets tough.

7 ways to defeat negative thoughts and get to the finish line

For the greater part, running is relaxed, enjoyable, and just an outright pleasure. Yet, there is no denying it can also have its difficult moments, particularly if you like to run races. There will be times when the mind says, “No, had enough of this today, thank you. How about stopping?”

Battling these negative thoughts can take a lot out of you. It can even use up energy you desperately need to complete the run.

Everyone develops their coping techniques over time. The following are 7 ways I employ at different times…



Stephen Hands
Runner's Life

A freelance writer based in beautiful Cornwall in the UK. A runner looking to share their thoughts and experiences from three decades of running.