Increasing Endurance Is Ridiculously Boring, but Absolutely Worth It.

It’s dead easy... but also not.

David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life


“We work too hard on our easy days, and then we don’t have the base to push it hard enough on the hard days.” -Luke Jones

Zone 2 Training — The What, Why, & How.

When we train at specific thresholds, we’re looking to elicit physiological and metabolic adaptations. Whether it’s a long run or a HIIT workout, we cause adaptations that may, or may not, be supporting training and the big race day.

What many don’t realize, is just how long one needs to be spending in the ‘lower intensity land’ to elicit true endurance benefits. Let’s break down everything about zone 2 training, and why it’s stunningly effective at what it advertises.

The What.

Image from San Millán

Zone 2 training is the lowest intensity zone of aerobic training. It is one in which you can hold a steady conversation. In terms of heart rate, you’re sitting at approximately 60–70% of your max. Let’s be clear, these are incredibly easy…



David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back.