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Is a Fear of Failure Holding You Back?

The self-doubt that is holding me back from racing again

Stephen Hands
Published in
5 min readAug 27, 2024


The fear of failure is one of the biggest obstacles to achievement. I am beginning to wonder whether this is why I have yet to return to running races.

My last race was five years ago. I was more than a little surprised at how long it has been. I mean I know time flies, but crikey, I hadn’t appreciated just how quickly it was flying! A good initial chunk of that time was because of injury and stepping back from running for a while to get my troublesome knee sorted.

However, since returning to running, I keep postponing a racing comeback. A timeline is set, it comes and goes, and a new timeline is set.

The current plan is a flat 5km parkrun in October. Yet, the cynic in me is already doubting whether I will follow through on this.

So, what the heck is going on?

When careful becomes too careful

At first, I thought I was just being sensible. A little too careful perhaps, but still careful, which is a good approach surely.

However, when does careful start to become an excuse? I would suggest when your target is a 5K race, and you are comfortably running six miles in training, albeit six slow…



Stephen Hands
Runner's Life

A freelance writer based in beautiful Cornwall in the UK. A runner looking to share their thoughts and experiences from three decades of running.