Is Stretching a Necessary Evil?

Why I hate stretching: Explore my journey and discover my top 5 practical tips for incorporating stretching

Vitality Ventures
Runner's Life


Stretching before a run.
Photo by Josh Duke on Unsplash

I am 49 years old and have been an avid runner for most of my life. From a young age, I discovered that running was my sanctuary — a place where I could be myself and find solace no matter the situation. Lifting weights became an important part of my routine as I aged to help improve bone density and support my physical and mental well-being. Lifting weights can play a significant role in promoting bone health and reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Yet, despite my dedication to fitness, there is one aspect I have never been able to commit to: Stretching.

The Reluctance to Stretch

Stretching has always been the one thing I know I should do, but just can’t bring myself to commit to. Whether before a run to warm up or after a lifting session, stretching feels like a chore I’d rather skip. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t prefer jumping straight into their favourite activity?

After a CrossFit session, the class gathers to cool down and stretch. I instead “rush” off, thinking I don’t have a spare five minutes to stretch (the reality is I probably do). It is after these sessions I suffer, and I know if I had…



Vitality Ventures
Runner's Life

Welcome to Vitality Ventures! I'm passionate about fitness, nutrition, and mental well-being.