Overcoming Adversity is the Name of the Game

When pursuing a 100-mile finish, nothing is going to go perfect.

Michael Horner
Runner's Life


Going to the dark places. Photo by Shashank Shekhar on Unsplash

“The challenge of ultrarunning is 90 percent mental, and the other 10 percent is all in our heads.” Ray Zahab

Finishing a 100-mile race, hitting all the mandatory cut-off times and doing this an amateur runner working a full-time job is not easy. Just attempting something like this is going to get you strange comments from everybody around you.

I believe that we do it anyway because every single one of us who train for and run ultra-marathons know we haven’t yet achieved what we are capable of. So, we keep pushing and keep striving for just a little bit more.

The little, tiny secret that those who have already earned their 100-mile buckle will gladly tell you if you ask, is that the hardest part is not the physical demands on your body. No, the physical demands are manageable and you can train for the majority of those demands.

Overcoming adversity and reaching the finish line is 90 percent mental, with the remaining 10 percent in your head. This is where you will be tested and where often defeat is waiting to snatch your running soul.

Reaching the Finish Line



Michael Horner
Runner's Life

Full-time business person, ultra-runner, writer, and podcaster. I exist in the world of YOU CAN! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mikehornern