Peak and Transformative Running Experiences

Moments that can change your perception of running and of yourself.

Norman Marcotte
Runner's Life


Photo by Josh Gordon on Unsplash

For most people, life is comprised of the mundane tasks necessary to meet individual needs and desires. It is often a blur, a Groundhog Day of repeated actions. We can escape the daily grind through leisure activities such as reading, music, movies, going out, or gardening. When we immerse ourselves in our hobbies, we can reach a state of flow as described by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, where we focus on the task at hand and get so fully engrossed that the rest of the world around us dissipates. Time stands still. Nothing else matters.

For us runners, our escapism or moments of flow lie in our daily runs. When we lace our shoes and head out the door, the further we travel, the further we leave behind our daily challenges and get absorbed in the act of putting one foot in front of the other. We get in the zone and we flow.

Peak Experiences

Humans, however, need more than simple distractions. We are a curious bunch. We like to explore, push our limits, and go further. We also are learning beings. We satisfy our needs for discovery by undertaking activities that broaden our experiences. Runners expand their reality by participating in races, the more exotic and challenging the…



Norman Marcotte
Runner's Life

Writer, runner, mentor, dreamer. Author of "Take 10 and Reach the Boston Marathon" and the children's book "Frankenstein's Science Project".