Persevering When Your Run Turns to Crap

Plan all you want, but you better be prepared to adapt.

Michael Horner
Runner's Life


The Art of Perseverance is merely deciding to get back up every time something knocks you down. Photo by author during Soupy 7 Hour Race in August 2021, Williamsburg VA.

Three hours into a thirteen-hour night race, everything was going to plan. I was staying on pace, taking in the right amount of nutrition and hydration, and thought I would have one hell of a race.

And then I found myself in the woods by the side of the trail, emptying my stomach of everything I’d put in it and more.

Laying there in the dirt, I kept heaving out more and more until it felt like I had heaved out even the lining of my stomach.

As I rose to my feet, I started thinking about what I needed to do to adapt to a different race strategy. Knowing my “A” goal was most likely off the table, I settled into Plan B.

I continued to “run” through the cold, dark, windy night, watching runner after runner drop as they either hit a goal or stopped running. Many, faced with adversity, decided not to continue running.

Either I’m broken, crazy, or the mental aspect of running is different in me. I knew my race goal wouldn’t be reached, but it didn’t mean my race was over.



Michael Horner
Runner's Life

Full-time business person, ultra-runner, writer, and podcaster. I exist in the world of YOU CAN!