Pinning the Bib

A catalyst for personal growth in running

Adam Dipinto
Runner's Life


Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

There’s more to pinning a race bib than merely securing the number to your shirt. It’s a symbolic action that can transform a casual runner into a dedicated athlete.

Here are a few reasons why pinning the bib can be such a powerful motivator:

From Abstract Goals to Tangible Challenges

Pinning your bib signifies commitment. It takes that vague notion in the back of your head, that whispered goal of running a race, and transforms it into something real and concrete. It’s an actual representation of your dedication, a visible reminder that hangs there on your chest all the time. Every time you glance down, you’re reacquainted with the challenge you’ve signed up for, the finish line that awaits. This tangible representation of your goal helps keep you focused on your training and motivates you to push yourself further during those early morning runs or evening workouts when comfort beckons.

Competition Breeds Progress

The beauty of a race bib is that it inherently makes the run a personal challenge. You’re not just racing against the other participants; you’re racing against your own personal best.



Adam Dipinto
Runner's Life

Thinker // Ghostwriter // Runner. I ghostwrite 📝 Educational Email Courses 👉