Planks: The Ultimate Exercise for a Strong Core

This workout will only take 3 minutes of your busy routine, it can be tough but trust me, it’s totally worth it.

Khyati Jain
Runner's Life


Photo by Karl Solano from Pexels

I started my fitness journey 5 years back, with no coach to guide me. My trainer was YouTube, I learned everything from that platform, from perfect squats posture to yoga asanas to abs.

I started my plank journey with a random 5-minute plank challenge on YouTube that took me at least 15 minutes to complete. I remember how my whole body would shiver while doing the basic plank. My longest hold used to be a groundbreaking 20 seconds. That’s how weak my core used to be — so I took a challenge to get stronger.

After 4 years of cycling, running, and a diploma course in yoga, I dug up the same video and to no one’s shock, I was able to do that entire video without breaking a sweat.

It was a huge boost to my already inflated ego, I truly felt invincible but then came Chloe Ting with her 10 min plank challenge video to destroy all my arrogance and left me like a panting dog on a hot summer day.

Why Do You Need A Strong Core?

Your core supports your whole body, it is the trunk that holds your entire body. A sturdy core can elevate your…



Khyati Jain
Runner's Life

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-