Race Day Ready | A Checklist to Help Calm Pre-Race Jitters

Implement practical steps to minimize stress on race day

Adam Dipinto
Runner's Life


You’ve trained for months, logged countless kilometers, and pushed yourself to new limits you never thought possible. The race is finally here, but instead of excitement, a wave of anxiety washes over you.

“Am I ready for this?”

These pre-race jitters are completely normal and happen to everyone.

I want to share a routine (checklist) I follow the days before a big race to help transform that anxiety into a controlled focus. By planning and eliminating controllable stressors, you can ensure race day goes smoothly, allowing you to perform your best.

A Step-by-Step Race Day Routine

This is a sample routine, feel free to adapt it to your specific needs and race distances.

2–3 Days Before:

Carb Up Strategically: Increase your carbohydrate intake to replenish and top off your glycogen stores — your body’s primary fuel source during long runs. The closer you get to race day, the fuller your tank should be. Here’s a general guideline:

  • Marathons (2–3 days prior): Focus on eating complex carbs like whole-wheat…



Adam Dipinto
Runner's Life

Thinker // Ghostwriter // Runner. I ghostwrite 📝 Educational Email Courses 👉 https://linktr.ee/adam.dipinto