Race Ready: How To Prep So You Can Run Strong

Tips and tricks for the day before and morning of your race

Amanda Kay Oaks
Runner's Life


Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU

Tomorrow marks my first race of 2022, a local Earth Day 5K, so I’m in full-on race prep mode.

I’ve been at this running business for a while now and have developed a handful of best practices that help me show up at the starting line ready to run strong and have fun. I thought I’d share a few of the things I’ve learned over the years so that you, too, can set yourself up with a solid chance for race day success.

Some quick notes before we proceed. I am not a medical professional or a running coach, nor am I a person who has lived in your body. These tips are just based on what has worked for me and the knowledge I’ve picked up from working with my coach and reading approximately a bajillion articles in publications like Women’s Running and Runner’s World over the years. I’ll provide links to where you can learn more where applicable. Always defer to your lived experience in your body and always consult a medical professional if you suspect an injury or other health issue is at play. Got it? Good.

The Day Before

The day before race day is more important than you might initially realize. Key things to think about the day before your race include hydration…



Amanda Kay Oaks
Runner's Life

Pittsburgh-based writer & wearer of many metaphorical hats. Making words about books, pop culture, witchery, health, travel, and more! She/her.