Rediscovering Your Fitness Passion

How to fall in love with exercise again

Vitality Ventures
Runner's Life


Falling in love with exercise
Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Losing Interest in Fitness

Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us, especially during significant transitions. For many, this might involve buying a new house, starting a new job, experiencing a breakup, dealing with teenage challenges, mourning the loss of a loved one, or recovering from an injury. Each of these events can disrupt our routines and lead to a gradual decline in physical activity. As a midlife mum, these changes don’t just affect me but ripple through my entire family, altering everyone’s routines and demands.

Since my children were born, I’ve tried to maintain routines and structure. Research suggests that routines are beneficial for children, promoting a sense of security and stability which can positively impact their behaviour and development. However, any significant change can disrupt this balance, forcing you to juggle new logistics while ensuring your family adapts smoothly.

In these moments, something often has to give, and more often than not, it’s our own needs. Studies have shown that mothers frequently sacrifice their personal time and needs for the sake of their families. For me, a big change meant focusing on logistics, continuing to work full-time, and being present for my kids, which…



Vitality Ventures
Runner's Life

Welcome to Vitality Ventures! I'm passionate about fitness, nutrition, and mental well-being.