Reflections From a 10K Race That Went Sour

On the windy road from making the self one’s best critic to one’s best cheerleader

David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life


Image from cottonbro studio on Pexels

Yesterday I ran the 35th rendition of my local 10K road race. It was a cold, windy Sunday morning, but that didn’t stop nearly nine thousand participants from toeing the line. These numbers reflected that of pre-covid times, which was a huge win in and of itself! Boy, it is great to live in a world where we can freely race once again.

I wanted to take a few minutes today and reflect on what yesterday meant to me. It was a day full of ups and downs, but it has allowed me to grow into a more mature, educated runner.

A good ol’ character builder, if you will.

I’ve spent the last ten weeks doing 10K-specific training to clock a 33:59 result by the time April 28th came around. While this felt ambitious, I had a solid foundation of half-marathon work under my belt and the confidence of a fresh new PR in the distance. Furthermore, my training went 100% to plan as I managed to avoid the regular injuries and roadblocks that usually surface in the last few weeks of a block. Safe to say, I was mentally and physically ready to go under that sub-34-minute mark.

But nothing is guaranteed in this sport.



David Liira, Kin.
Runner's Life

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back.