Running After Grit

Exploring why having grit is a pull toward the sport of running

Runner's Life


Image by DNY59 on Unsplash

“Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint.”

— Angela Duckworth

Since the first official 10K I ran years ago, the magnetic field of running has drawn me inescapably. I used to think that the rush of endorphins after a fast post-work run drew me to running. Or the delight of being outdoors, with the sun reflecting in my eyes, ears tuned to the heartbeat of nature, and skin golden with sunset beauty that enticed me to run.

However, after numerous long runs, feet rhythmically pounding the ground, sweat beads rolling down my neck, and ever more defined sun tan lines, I realize that the grit of running is the real draw.

Grit is the pulse of running. It fortifies the mind when the mental challenge of the next steep hill, or the remaining 10 miles, seems insurmountable. Grit allows the grind of long runs to become enjoyable. Grit is having the mental strength and determination to continue, to press through the ‘running wall’, to embrace exhaustion, endure hardship, and thrive through the grind.

The desire to embrace grit now fuels my running. It feels like a reframed picture in which the lows of my runs are an opportunity to…



Runner's Life

Following mountain trails, looking for beauty everywhere. Lover of words and of life. Sharing tidbits that spark my imagination along life's trails.