Running and Breastfeeding

The benefits and takeaways of exercising while lactating based on personal experience and research

Runner's Life


Photo by Dave Clubb on Unsplash

While still pregnant, I prepared for and planned to breastfeed my baby. I grew up in a supportive breastfeeding network and researched the benefits for both mother and baby. My findings led me to want to know more and help other mothers through education, so I began a lactation counseling certification, which I am still working on.

I also knew the benefits of remaining active throughout postpartum for myself and to affect my growing child's long-term health. For me, remaining active would consist primarily of running and frequent strength training. Knowing the massive benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby, along with the benefits of exercising, I now needed to understand the interrelatedness of breastfeeding while running to maximize my efforts.

The primary concern with breastfeeding and running is the presence of lactic acid in the milk and sustaining an adequate milk supply. As I researched the presence of lactic acid in milk supply, the research continued to conclude a non-significant presence of lactic acid with moderate exercise. When a mother participates in exhaustive exercise, an increase in lactic acid is indicated, lasting up to 90 minutes after exercise completion.



Runner's Life

Following mountain trails, looking for beauty everywhere. Lover of words and of life. Sharing tidbits that spark my imagination along life's trails.