Running Can Save You

Don’t let other people’s misery become your misery. Run for your life!

Diane Brander
Runner's Life


Photo by João Ferreira on Unsplash

Picture this.

Your boss is being an asshole again. You try not to let it consume you, but it’s hard. You spend eight hours a day in their company while they slowly suck your soul like a dementor in Harry Potter. They grow stronger while you feel weak. Your brain is fried, your body feels frazzled, and you can’t see the point in anything. Everything is too hard. You might as well go home and get drunk, or eat junk food, or both.

But, what if there is another way?

There is.


Ok, maybe it’s not as simple as that. If you haven’t run before, you’ll have to start slow. Perhaps you’ll follow a plan such as Couch to 5K by NHS UK. Alternatively, you might prefer a looser approach and will build up to one more lamppost or one more song. However you start, start.

Trust me.

Running can save your life.

Photo by the author

Running was a lifesaver for me

In 2019, following redundancy from a…



Diane Brander
Runner's Life

Scottish writer and runner. Curious about ways to boost health and performance through exercise and creativity. On a spiritual quest, whatever that means.