Running Is What You Make Of It
Run YOUR race
Everyone has their reason for running leisurely. To compete, to lose weight, to be fit, to relax, to test the limits of the human body. The reasons are endless.
Whenever people start something new whether it’s running, other forms of exercises, entrepreneurship, a new diet etc., many people have the tendency to follow the game plan that some expert or self-proclaimed guru said.
While these people may offer helpful advice, especially towards beginners, at some point you need to breakaway from their game plan and develop your own. There will come a point where you need to develop your own style and way of doing things because fitting the mold of someone else may not be the ideal plan for you. There’s no doubt that this is not an easy thing to achieve, especially when you feel like you have no sense of direction on where you want to go.
Uncertainty can make one anxious, but in some cases, it’s not always a bad thing. Life is one big experiment. It comes with a lot of trials and errors. Your running journey is one of them. You’ll have your ups, you’ll have your downs. There will be times where you will improve. There will be times where you feel stagnant. There will be times where you’re ready to hang up your running shoes. It’s all part of the plan. Your game plan and your attitude towards running will decide your journey.
Design your own race and run it. Don’t worry about everyone else. Don’t worry about the contradicting opinions from coaches and the experts of Runner’s World. Make yourself the science experiment and find what keeps you motivated to one and succeed in a way that you see fit.
Win. Lose. First Place. One-Hundredth Place. No matter what we all have our reasons to keep going. Your running journey is what you make of it.
Why do you run?
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