Running Paraphernalia That Reminds Us of the Good Times

Relive your running moments with mementos

Norman Marcotte
Runner's Life


Photo by Jennifer MacDonell

February 24, 2021, marked the 30th anniversary of my participation in the mega-team competition of the Peterborough Half-Marathon. A cold winter day greeted a busload of eager runners from the local club as they drove the 90 minutes to the race site early on a Sunday morning. A mega-team consisted of 30 runners, of which at least five had to be women. Although the temperature reached below freezing, the streets were clear of snow or ice. After the last team runner completed the two loops of the course, we went inside for a warm cup of soup while waiting for the results. When the announcer mentioned our club had won 3rd place, we cheered in unison. Of course, only four mega-teams had registered. No matter: for our achievement, we received a wonderful pair of white fleece mittens with the name of the race and the year embroidered on them.

I have cherished those mittens ever since, not only because they protect my hands on those cold winter running days, but because they form part of my running mementos collection. Although turning slightly grey, they still bring back memories of the race that put me on the podium for the first of only five times in my life.



Norman Marcotte
Runner's Life

Writer, runner, mentor, dreamer. Author of "Take 10 and Reach the Boston Marathon" and the children's book "Frankenstein's Science Project".