Running Through a Brick Wall

Blasting off to Jupiter. Am I addicted? Oh yeah.

J. Isaac Bowman
Runner's Life


Photo by John Fowler on Unsplash

Have you heard of extreme running? Running intervals? Hills? Ultra marathons?

I’m trying a new type of run, where I go straight through a brick wall. I call it breakthrough running.

So now that you think I’m crazy or on crack, let me reassure you I’m neither. I’m just trying to explain the feeling I sometimes get when I run at a moderate pace and this “runner’s high” starts to build in me. And it does build. Boy, does it build!

Am I addicted to running? Is there some chemical reaction in my synapses that morphs my mind into thinking I’m some superhero? Yeah. All those things.

I don’t want to make this into more than it should be. I’m not looking for brick walls and hurtling through them (yet).

What am I? Who is this nut case writing these words?

I’m a man going into my mid-seventies, and I’ve been running for many decades. I’ve struggled for the last 25 years with Achilles injuries on both legs. But lately, I’ve been building stronger tendons after talking to numerous doctors, repeatedly going to rehab that didn’t help, doing 1000 exercises, searching in every nook and cranny, under every rock and in every article ever published on the subject. Finally, I found…



J. Isaac Bowman
Runner's Life

An author, a long-time runner, a father, a grandfather, a husband, a brother, and a believer in human rights.