Six Mental Notes for Runners

It’s Not Just Physical

David Runs World
Runner's Life


“I just don’t have the body of a long distance runner”

- Some younger version of me pre-2017

I’ve always been a larger fella. Or as I would also hear, “built like a brick shit house.” The point is, I am solidly built. Runners, typically the elites at least, are of the relatively smaller build variety. This was one of a number of excuses I’d make when I was not a runner (or at least try to be), and then ultimately quit running.

Sadly, I hear this all too frequently, especially with new runners. There is a focus while training and/or racing within endurance sports that primarily focuses on the physical aspect — running, strength, endurance, stamina, etc.

This focus tends to only fall on the physical performance, and that the mental or psychological element of running gets left out of the conversation. So let’s take a closer look at some mental attributes that help people succeed in running (and even in life in general).

Photo by Cameron Venti on Unsplash




David Runs World
Runner's Life

Plant-based runner from 🐝 Manchester, UK. Based in 🍁 Toronto, CA. Outrun the Dark & Garmin Street Team. Fueled by Nuun, coffee and doughnuts