Sleep Better, Run Better

How runners can unlock their potential through rest

Adam Dipinto
Runner's Life


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That pre-dawn alarm.

You hit snooze once, twice…maybe three times.

The thought of that morning run fills you with dread, not excitement. You know the feeling — legs like lead weights, lungs burning with every breath. We’ve all been there, done that.

But then, there’s that other day. You wake up after a fantastic night’s sleep, feeling energized and ready to conquer any distance. You hit the pavement, your legs feel light, and your breath is easier — is this the power of sleep?

For me, sleep hasn’t always been easy. Ever since high school, I’ve battled with insomnia. There would be nights, especially during exam periods, where sleep wouldn’t come no matter how many meditation tricks I tried. The next day, I’d drag myself through classes, brain foggy, and my body craving rest… and then the cycle would repeat. This struggle continued through my university years and still occasionally pops up, though thankfully less frequently.

But those restless nights were a real wake-up call (pun intended!). I saw firsthand how sleep deprivation or poor quality of sleep impacted my training. My runs felt impossible, my body felt out of sync with what my brain needed it to do, my muscles ached constantly…



Adam Dipinto
Runner's Life

Thinker // Ghostwriter // Runner. I ghostwrite 📝 Educational Email Courses 👉