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The Data-Driven Runner: My Base Phase Recap

A reflection of my base-building phase and a training block preview as I attempt a Chicago qualifier

Jake Boron
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2024


It’s been four months since I set off on my grand running experiment to run a qualifying time for the 2025 Chicago Marathon. After 16 weeks, it’s time to transition from my base-building phase to my training phase in preparation for the Cleveland Marathon in May, where I will make my first attempt at a qualifier. It’s time to dive into some numbers, and evaluate the impact of base building, and what is to come in training.

Reflections On My Base-Building Phase

The last four months have primarily focused on easy running, in what most would call Zone 2 training. Speed was sprinkled into my weekly runs occasionally, but was not a main concern of mine. I also incorporated some long runs, gradually increasing mileage so that when training began, I wouldn’t be inappropriately increasing my training load. During this phase, I capped my long run at 8 miles.

So, how did all of this affect my projected race times? Let’s take a look at the numbers.

Projected race times across all distances decreased over the base building phase, with the 10k distance showing the most improvement at just…



Jake Boron
Runner's Life

Analyst by day, writer and runner by night. Husband, father, and pop culture fiend all the time. Creator of the Zone 5 Substack: