The Most Terrible Turkey Trot Ever

TLDR: I ran a 5k on Thanksgiving

Brynn Mahnke
Runner's Life


Photo by Pixababy on Pexels, edited by author

This article is just a self-deprecating joke! I ran a race by myself and there was no planning involved whatsoever. Happy Thanksgiving!

I decided on this race at the last minute. Traditionally on Thanksgiving morning, I run a half marathon which benefits the local food pantry, but this year the race was virtual so I decided to skip it and donate money instead.

Anyway. This was the worst Thanksgiving 5k I have ever run in my life. This race was called

Brynn’s Flat, Fast, and Fabulous 5k Turkey Trot.

The course

First of all, parking for the race was a mile away from the start. A mile! Terrible planning on the part of the race director. Who wants to run a mile before running a 5k? No one, that’s who.

Second of all, the race is billed as “flat, fast, and fabulous,” but it was none of those things. The elevation gain was 92 feet over the course, which isn’t terrible, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it flat! It’s Nebraska — surely we can find a flatter 5K racecourse somewhere out amongst the cornfields and cattle, can’t we?

The turnout

One of the best things about Thanksgiving races is that everyone is really just…



Brynn Mahnke
Runner's Life

Freelance writer, distance runner, lifelong learner. Let’s chat!