To Train or Not to Train

Not knowing if a marathon will be canceled, is there a point to training for it?

Written By Kim
Runner's Life


Photo from Pixabay

Something new that I learned about myself during this time of coronavirus is my proclivity to obsess over ‘trivial’ problems as a coping mechanism, to make up for my feeling of utter helplessness over big picture problems like famine, gun violence, and world peace. And of course, this pandemic.

For example, I am registered to run the 2020 New York City Marathon. (My first time for NYC, and my second world major.) And I find myself fretting over whether or not to go ahead and book the flights and hotel for the trip because I am convinced that:

  • If I do book the hotel and flights, the race will be canceled.
  • If I do not book the hotel and flights, the race will be held as normal, the virus will have disappeared, and there will be no flights or hotel rooms available.

Of course, I understand how unimportant these problems. However, these are also problems I am capable of solving. I can choose to act or not to act. To train or not to train. I have agency over these decisions.

Unlike the pandemic, where I am completely and totally powerless to do anything except stay home, wait for the latest news, and worry about the news I haven’t heard yet.



Written By Kim
Runner's Life

Former gifted child, turned adult who did not live up to their potential. Recovering Disney Adult. Also, I run a bit.