What 20 Years of Running Taught Me About Quitting

Habits can be things you do, or things you don’t do. Either way, your habits will strongly influence the course of your life

James Bellerjeau
Runner's Life
Published in
7 min readApr 27, 2024


Trail running alongside verdant grass-covered field bordered by forest. Some of my favorite places to run: in fields and forests
Some of my favorite places to run: in fields and forests | Picture © James Bellerjeau

This story is not about how awesome I am, winning races, or even running. It’s about learning what you are capable of, and how exploring your boundaries can help you in other areas of your life.

Running no doubt changed my life, almost all for the positive. Probably the most important thing I learned is “Do Not Quit.”

While this is easy to say, I know it’s often hard to do. And there are times when it’s wise to ignore this foundational rule. I hope the five lessons I’ve learned by testing the boundaries help you push your own.

1. You can do more than you think

One key reason not to quit is that you can accomplish great things if you keep going. You almost always can do more than you initially think.

Each time you stretch yourself and prevail, you realize your capabilities are greater than you suspected. And still, you can do more than you think.

I vividly recall my first tortured kilometer on a treadmill at the gym. I remember asking myself how on earth people ran regularly and…



James Bellerjeau
Runner's Life

Mechanic of the human soul. I channel Seneca and Machiavelli at unpredictable intervals