When running feels like flying

We don’t just train for races — we train to become better runners

Yamina Pressler, PhD
Runner's Life


Photo by Massimo Sartirana on Unsplash

Much of the joy of running comes from challenging yourself. I train to run long distances simply to see if I can do it. I love the challenge of running up a steep hill. I challenge myself to be a better person than I was yesterday.

And with challenge, often comes struggle. In order to run distances we’ve never tackled before, we need to go beyond what we previously thought possible. In that space, running is often painful, difficult, and can even be demoralizing.

Your legs feel like lead, your shoulders are stiff, you ran out of water, and the afternoon thunderstorms are quickly approaching. Running isn’t always easy, and it isn’t always fun, but it is always worth it.

Each single training run is less important than the consistency of the whole.

Your training run today may be a slog, but with consistent effort, you will improve. Pushing through the pain and struggle of some runs, creates strength and perseverance that translates into satisfyingly smooth runs later.

Yesterday, my run felt surprisingly easy. My legs were unexpectedly fresh after running 5 days in a row, a sign that my body is adjusting well…

