Why I’m Thankful for Runner’s World Streak Challenge

No, it’s not about running naked

Anne Emerick
Runner's Life


Photo by Ion Ceban on Pexels

I haven’t run much in the last 6 months, but I’ve been eating plenty. My midsection is starting to feel very roly-poly.

I’ve been eyeing different ways to return to exercising regularly. A spring race to pick? A virtual challenge to compete? An accountability or running buddy who would get me out the door?

All are good ideas, but I haven’t acted on them.

Enter Barnes & Noble

I was in the bookstore the other day, and after I ate my pretzel and drank my Chai Latte, I wandered past the magazine rack. The cover of Runner’s World caught my eye. It said about joining them in a running streak starting at Thanksgiving.

It was closing time at the store, but I subscribe to Runner’s World and have digital access. Yesterday I logged in and looked.

The Challenge

The challenge is pretty simple — to ‘run’ (but walking breaks are okay) a mile each day from Thanksgiving to New Year’s day — 39 days. I started late, so I plan to go till January 3rd.

I need this streak for two reasons:
1) reversing a negative fitness trend
2) mental health through the holidays



Anne Emerick
Runner's Life

Programmer by day. Author by night. As I put on running tights, I imagine I’m a superhero. Creator of Unemploymentville.com and No-Work Spanish.