Why use Runnerty?

Álvaro A. Quirós
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2020

In this article I am going to explain how it works and why it can helps you.

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Every day new technological projects are born, more complex and interconnected with more services and third party applications. Business models that must provide service to more users every day in a constant struggle to improve their value. This means a high cost (time, resources and money) in its development and maintenance.

We are no longer talking about web applications, online sales platforms or mobile applications, we are talking about software ecosystems.

Runnerty is a technology that proposes a new way of developing, creating a layer of abstraction in which to integrate and automate a software ecosystem, delegating to it much of your business logic, avoiding problems of scalability, security and maintenance, making future developments much more evolved, saving time and resources.

So, what is Runnerty?

Runnerty is low code technology that allows integrating and automate online & offline applications, systems infrastructure and services with third parties in a simple, fast and reliable way, creating workflows and offering a new way to develop.

No matter the size of your application or platform and even the state of development in which it is, surely Runnerty can make things easier for you, give robustness to your system and give you some agility when it comes to evolve.

You can use Runnerty in many ways, from automating development processes, such as CD/CI tasks, to high level tasks such as direct communication with customers or delivery companies.

Some of its main features

Management of complex dependencies.

Runnerty not only controls when a process ends so that the next one begins, but it can make complex evaluations, wait for several processes to end before executing one or another, do it when they end well, do it when they end badly, create all kinds of links based on the result of the process, etc.

Notification system

Runnerty keeps you informed wherever / whenever any event occurs in your workflows in a simple way and through notifications by email, sms, telegram, slack… to any platform you choose, of course, from “Runnerty Platform”, giving you the freedom you need.

Retry system.

You can define how many times you want to retry a process before it fails and how much time you want to spend between retries.

Log management.

To avoid server maintenance, Runnerty takes care of managing the maximum size of the logs and the location. We solve space management problems by logging processes that you can’t even imagine.

And if things get serious…

No matter the size of the project and its complexity, there are no limits. When the job gets serious Runnerty has advanced features that will make managing millions of processes a routine

Process queue system.

You can define different queues and have the processes run in the order they are received.

Priority system between processes.

When you have many processes is normal that there are several that are ready to run at the same time, with Runnerty you can set priorities to run the ones you consider most important first.

And something else

In addition to all this, Runnerty offers a cloud service, which allows to visualize the integration and global automation of a software ecosystem in a graphical, intuitive and customized way.

Do you want to know more? Check it out runnerty.io!

And now what?

If you want to know how to start using Runnerty, here’s a link to this tutorial.

I encourage you to take a look and let me know what you think.

You can give your feedback in twitter or github ⭐️




Álvaro A. Quirós

Runnerty CEO | Frontend Lead at @CodertyStudio - Organizer of @ngSpain, @AngularAlmeria & @AlmeriaJS!