The compounding effect of alcohol on our productivity

Andrew Burns
Running 2 Keep Up
Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2019


Facing up to the many ways that drinking stops us from getting things done

There are many factors that can effect our productivity. In my search to make myself the best me I can be, to improve my productivity I have often focused on positives, on ways to increase the rate at which I get things done. But I do have to admit there are things that I do that reduce my effectiveness. Drinking is one of those things.

Photo by BENCE BOROS on Unsplash

For the British certainly our relationship with alcohol is a complex one. It is part of our cultural identity. For me, bonds were made with friends and family over a beer. Social occasions seem much more social with a drink in hand. Even in business: having a drink with a customer, a colleague, a partner, at the airport, on the plane is just something that happens. It’s natural. More than natural.

Nagging Feeling

It is not like I drink a lot in one sitting. I mean, I can and do drink a lot on occasion, but mostly we are talking about a couple of beers or a couple of glasses of wine. But on a pretty regular basis. For me there is a nagging feeling it is getting too regular. How about you?




Andrew Burns
Running 2 Keep Up

Writer, Marketer, Entrepreneur. Always looking for automations to make it all a little easier. Founder at